

首先,从颜色上看,黑色和蓝黑是纯色的两个色系; 而深色(偏棕)、灰色(烟灰)等则属于色调,即色素在毛发中呈现的程度(含色量)不同造成的视觉差异。 所以,严格来说,只有纯黑色的狗才是纯的,而其他任何颜色的贵宾都是带有“杂色”的。 但人们在日常交流时常会把“黑色”与“棕色”“巧克力色”甚至“灰色”等混为一谈。 在AKC(美国犬业协会)注册的贵宾标准里,对颜色的描述是: “Black - Solid black; no other colors are allowed (not shown).

Brown/Chocolate – Deep mahogany brown with black outlines to ears, eyes and nose. No other colored parts of the face or body is permitted.

Bluesheepie – A blue merle pattern in sheepdog coloration with solid black areas on the head and body that match the blue shade.

Mauve – This is a purple shade with some degree of pink hue. The color must be uniformly distributed over the entire body and facial expression. Note: In this breed, the coat may have two colors at the same time; for example, "parti-colored" means having equally-distributed light and dark hairs so there will be no obvious separation between the two shades.

Fawn – Light tan with darker hairs spreading out from the center of the face into a blaze. Fawn is not to be confused with white. White markings of any kind are not tolerated in this breed.

Red /Apricot——Like fawn but has more orange highlights, particularly around the muzzle (face) and the toes。

Lilac ——An extremely rare and unique coloring in poodles, lilac puppies are very popular among dog enthusiasts who are looking for something different. Lilacs are absolutely gorgeous with their lavender and cream coloration.

This is about as far as we can take you in trying to explain what makes one poodle different from another. At best, it's a good starting point to talk about genetics vs. environment and hereditary versus acquired traits because when it comes down to it, there's really only so much we can tell you about your puppy before you get him/her.

How they look after that depends entirely on how you raise them! And if you ever have questions, feel free to give us a call!







