

这个说法很可笑,因为所有的动物吃肉都会有眼屎增多的情况出现。 比如说我们人吃肉的量增加的时候,眼睛也会分泌比较多的分泌物来排出眼睛里的油脂和细菌,所以这个是动物的本能反应而不是你说的“上火”的表现。 那么到底什么才是引起狗狗有眼屎增多的原因呢?其实导致狗狗的眼睛产生泪腺的因素有很多,下面我就将可能导致狗狗眼睛流泪的原因给大家做个简单的汇总介绍吧!

一、鼻泪管堵塞 对于猫咪来说,由于它们的鼻子比较短小,因此鼻腔的弯曲度不大,所以鼻泪管的位置就比较靠近眼球了,而狗狗的鼻子是又长又直的,所以在鼻泪管的位置也处于一个很长的角度位置,因此鼻泪管相对来说就比猫要畅通很多,不容易被脏东西给堵住形成眼泪和眼屎。 但一旦有些狗狗的鼻泪管由于某种原因发生了堵塞或者扭曲,这个时候泪液就很难通过鼻泪管流进喉咙然后排出体外,于是就积留在眼眶里,久而久之就会形成了大量的眼屎。 所以平时我们在给狗狗喂食完肉类食物后,最好是帮它们清理一下眼部周围的毛发,以免在进食的过程中吸入气管引起不适或窒息。

二、耳道感染 在我们的日常生活中,我们经常会发现一些狗在听到一些比较大的声音或者是突然发出的噪音时会有害怕发抖的现象发生,这其实就是因为耳朵受到了刺激引起的。 如果我们仔细观察的话还会发现在这些狗狗的眼角处都会有一些黏腻的液体流出并且伴随着一些异味,这就是由耳道发炎引起的。 造成耳道炎症的主要原因就是耳朵内存在了大量的细菌和真菌,如果我们在日常护理过程中没有及时将耳朵内的异物清除干净,那么就很容易使这些细菌侵入耳朵内部引发炎症,进而造成大量眼泪的分泌以及眼屎的形成。

三、缺乏维生素B 可能大家对于维生素B并不是特别了解,但是它却是体内一种非常重要的营养素。 因为这种元素在体内的代谢作用是非常广泛的,不但可以调节身体的机能还能起到解毒和润滑肠道的作用。 但是如果你家狗狗长期饮食单一而又过于挑食的话就很容易导致身体无法吸收足够的维生素B,从而导致眼部周围肌肉松弛无法很好地发挥收缩功能而导致泪液无法顺利排出,长此以往就会形成大量的眼屎了。 四、眼睛受到刺激 我们常说眼睛是心灵的窗户,它是我们与外界沟通的最重要的方式之一,所以它的健康至关重要! 而当我们眼睛受到外界刺激的时候,眼睛为了保护自己的安全就会分泌出更多的泪水来帮助自己排除有害的物质避免伤害的发生。



不一定的,和吃肉关系不大吧…… 首先说吃肉,吃肉类确实有可能引起泪道阻塞的…但这种情况一般出现在成年犬身上——因为它们已经不再换牙了嘛! 所以如果是幼犬的话,应该不会是吃肉引起的… 但是成年的话就不好说了哦……另外,如果食物里有盐巴什么的也有可能引起泪道障碍的哦~所以要注意呢~

再说眼屎的问题,眼屎分很多种的啦~~ 如果单纯只是眼睛分泌物(也就是眼泪)过多而导致的结膜炎或者角膜炎的话(比如说有些狗狗有泪腺炎之类的疾病的时候会出现这种现象哦)那有可能是饮食的原因导致分泌过旺的情况哈~但是一般来说只要不是太严重都不需要用药的呢~可以给它点一点人工泪液之类帮助清洁一下就可以的了呀~


狗的眼屎很多,很多主人担心,其实是以为喂了太多的狗肉。 Let me tell you, this is a great misunderstanding. In fact, dogs are meat-eating animals, and the dog's eye is not caused by the accumulation of excessive meat. The eye is simply blocked by excessive mucus. So if your dog occasionally eats some pork or chicken, there will not be too much eye.

Many dog owners may have some misunderstandings about dog nutrition, so the dog eats a little protein and some meat, so that the dog has no symptoms. However,, there is a matter of great concern! Eating too few nutrition and proteins is wrong. Because dogs are also carnivorous animals and need to get the majority of protein and nutrition. If the meat is not given, or the dog does not eat enough meat, the dog's body will be lost in the food, to consume muscle tissue to get protein. This is particularly serious, because when the dog is damaged, the muscle is lost in the body, it will bring the dog to the immune system and other adverse effects. Therefore, the dog must first to ensure that the dog eats the meat, and then consider other nutritional elements.

To sum up, we can let the dog eat a little meat every day, as long as our daily diet is not too many accounts, it is not a problem at all. However, if you have symptoms of your dogs, you are not suitable for dogs, dogs to eat dog meat, it had better not to eat! Because the most common situation of my dogs in China is that dogs develop symptoms after eating beef in some areas of the country, if the dog and I said, it could not eat beef, it would be fine. I would not like it at all!

So let's look at what is the cause of excessive dog eye secretion: it is a disease that causes a lot of dog mucus, such as eye inflammation dogs, dogs with nasal tears, dogs with foreign bodies in their eyes, dogs with eye membrane protrusions, dogs with eye inflammation and other pets. To make your dog's eye in time to remove stains, it is best to use a dog's wet paper, and it is much more convenient and sanitary than using wet wipes or gauze.
